Thursday, August 13, 2009

MiNDBLOWiNG = Pasco County Is Evolving With Video Companies & Record Labels~

I remember moving here close to 20 years ago, I had just started going to School and the road my house was on, Decubellis was all dirt. Fast forward 2 decades and my how time has flown by, Decubellis is now a massive road that goes all the way from one side of the city to the other. I never imagined that this city would have anything to offer, but I was checking out Craigslist today and I realized that there are two Newborn Independent Record Labels in the area; one focused on Hip Hop & the other on Indie Rock. If that isn't cool enough, there is also a Video Company called Kelby Media Group that is an industry leader in digital imaging education and publishing. The Rock Label is called 24 Hour Service Station and it is home to Artists that create music very similar to the noise that I like to call Art~ The Hip Hop Label is just getting off the ground and they are looking for producers that make really hot beats for the Rappers on their Label and it just so happens that I am that kind of Producer. And finally, Kelby Media Group is looking for an Intern for their Video Company to help with all the different tasks needed to keep a very successful Digital Imaging Outfit on top of the competition. So, whereas I have always created music, written songs and worked on all different types of Video & Film Projects with the big picture always pointing towards the big cities where most of my collaborators live, this is a new day in Pasco County because there are actually solid foundations being built in the Film & Music Industrys right here in the same area where the little dirt road used to be.

Just In Case The World Explodes In 42 Hours..

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