Sunday, August 30, 2009


It seems as if I don't waste the time to see movies in the theater anymore unless it is almost guaranteed that I will love it or if it is created by Wes Anderson or Quentin Tarantino. The latter was the case for my night out last night and even though I was expecting the world ever since I read a raving review for the film when it was screened at Cannes, I still found INGLORIOUS BASTERDS, the new film by Tarantino which apparently skipped on the spell check option, to be pretty damn awesome. I will keep this short and not go into ruining the plot like most of the other reviews that I read, but aside from the middle being a little too long, I found the movie to be well written and superbly acted. There is something about Quentin Tarantino that I find fascinating and it might be because he is a true artist out of left field, like myself or it might be how excited he is about the process even after all these years, but I find that even the poster art for his films seems to get me excited. For that exact reason, I am going to post all of the different posters for the movie I can find, because I feel that art and the sense of sight can prove as much as any and all words I could sit here
and type. There are about 4 Billion opinions in the world that people could find the time to care about, but not as many are formed with a heavy dose of artistic savvy plus the time included for a pretty cool presentation. I consider my blog to do just that ;)

Just In Case The World Explodes In 42 Hours..

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